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Striving to deliver high quality support by Paula Ginty

29th July 2016

We would like to share with you the feedback that we have received from one of our long standing clients with regards to our Team Leader heading up a support package that we have supported for 8 years. WELL DONE MARK!

“A thank you.

If like me, you happen to work in the care sector, you will be acutely aware of what a demanding job it can be and often for little recognition. I liken it to the plate spinner at the circus, who just as he manages to get the last plate spinning, finds the first plate, has starting to fall off. The problem of course, is that we’re all so busy trying to make it all work, that we sometimes fail to appreciate what the people around us are doing.

So today, even though I have other plates to spin, I’m going to take a few minutes to write some words of praise for a colleague who I’ve worked with now for what seems like an age, Mark.

Mark has worked for a number of years as a support worker with a client of mine in Birmingham who has an acquired brain injury. I could go on in great detail here but I’m sure you’ll understand if I say he’s one of those people who’s just “got it”.

Some may say that this has rather backfired on Mark in that it landed him with the title of team leader and more responsibility.

However, what’s prompted me to put pen to paper, is that since I started this job way back in the early 14th century, there have been few people who’ve risen to meet the challenges of a new position with such commitment, and made such a positive impact in a support package. Of course, I’m not just saying this because Mark’s input makes life easier for me (which it does!), it means the client’s family members can now get on with their own lives, the clinical neuro-psychologist knows that her recommendations will be implemented, the solicitor is well informed and the staff have someone “at the coal face” to support them. Most importantly, Mark has without question, improved the quality of his client’s life immeasurably.”

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