Valuing People and our most recent Newsletter for Forensic and Community Services
8th March 2017We are pleased to share with you the latest edition of the VP Complex Care newsletter. Additionally, we have developed the very first edition of VP Forensic newsletter. As we work in community, residential, hospital and secure services settings and our ethos of Valuing People. We have tried to make sure we are reflecting the interests for all of our clients.
To access the very first VP Forensic edition please follow this link: VP Forensic
For those of our clients living in the community or supporting those that live in the community you can access our latest edition here: VP Complex Care
Making contact with us
In both newsletters we try to answer some of the most frequently asked questions and share articles written by multiple members of our team. If you would like to talk to us about any of the services within our newsletters, please contact our friendly office on 0870 8504265 and any member of our team will be able to help.
Alternatively you can email specific teams using the following email addresses:
Community services: community@vpfn.co.uk
Forensic Services / residential agency support: tempdesk@vpfn.co.uk
General enquiries: vp@vpfn.co.uk
We aim reply to all emails with 24 hours.
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