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Conferences attended and booked 2015

13th April 2015

March is the start of exhibition season with May being important for the industry because of National Brain Injury Week. We try to exhibit or attend as many as we can so that we are able to meet new people and stay in touch with our customers. We hope to see you soon with a new surprise in May!


18th March St Andrew’s National Brain Injury Centre Conference”Switch off resistance, switch on recovery” Eastwood HallNottingham
19th March Independent Living Solutions Company Conferenced Milton Hill HouseAbingdon
25th March Child Brain Injury Trust Conference”Education for tomorrow – a positive experience?” Etihad StadiumManchester
14th May The HeadFirst LLP Brain Injury Conference “The Neurofunctional Approach..” Central Hall Westminster
21st May The 4th Annual Northamptonshire Acquired Brain Injury Conference”Brain Injury – Who Cares?” Kettering Conference Centre
10th June Bush & Company Conference Double Tree HiltonMilton Keynes
17th & 18th Jun BABICM Summer Conference 2015 The Hilton Birmingham Metropole
 2nd & 3rd July  APIL annual advanced brain and spinal injury conference  Hinckley Island Hotel
30th September & 1st October The BIRT Conference The Hilton Deansgate Manchester
12th & 13th November The BABICM, CMSUK, VRA Together Conference East Midlands Conference Centre Nottingham

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