National and World days.
2nd March 2017This week has seen several important issues be recognised by having their own national day or even world day. Our Admin team, Samantha Hearne and Toni Saxton, have shared with us all how important these days are to them.
Rare Disease Day
On Tuesday it was National Rare Disease day. Samantha has shared her personal experience of the impact that rare diseases can have. The article she has written shows the importance of helping the members of our community, especially the vulnerable, to effectively monitor their health and to always seek advice whenever is needed. Take a look at her article by clicking here Rare Disease Day 2017
World Book Day
Today and for the rest of the week, Toni will be sharing with us her love of reading for World Book Day. Toni will be writing a series of social media blogs and posts linking in literature and Mental health. You can follow Toni on her Linked in profile
Throughout the next few months, more of our team here at the VP office will all be sharing what is important to them, so look out for the blogs and posts on social media as well as our website.
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